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Welcome to our blog. We love to share our travels, wellness tips, and lifestyle while we are on the road. We hope you enjoy your visit.

Finding calm in a fast paced world

Finding calm in a fast paced world

I often think about our original design, you know, outside of this point in history.. were we really created to live like this? To rush from work to activities and back home only to sleep for a few hours and then repeat the cycle? To work to pay the bills for places we hardly occupy? I think things have gotten off balance over time, for many of us. Advances are incredible in many ways but always have drawbacks. Riley and I have noticed these trends in society and asked ourselves the really tough questions surrounding this lifestyle. We consider life to be a precious gift, and truly evaluate the things we are saying “yes” to in order to live intentionally. We hope to never loose the gratitude we feel for the important things. But I still get caught up in the “hustle” or the “busy” of this life. For example, I had a magazine that I picked up last week. I have been wanting to look at it ever since, and haven’t had the time. We don’t even have kids yet so I’m sure any parent hearing me say I feel busy is rolling their eyes, but this is our world. To keep up, to build a side hustle or to work for more means sacrifice. It’s just the way it is.

The best, easiest way for us to find calm in our schedules is to go camping. To loose the cell service (or just put the phone on airplane mode), to set up our chairs and camper and just be out there. Every single time we go, I have the same exact reaction. This is so nice to have nothing to do. To really sit with my thoughts, to be “bored” again. The jobs, and the phones and the “keeping up” takes that time away.

We are so lucky to have so many options here in California. The nature is exactly why we live out here, to be able to set out on a drive and see the ocean, or the redwoods, or the Sierras. This last time we stayed pretty close, and booked a camp site at Mount Madonna. It wasn’t perfect, this isn’t a rugged adventure. Just the typical: have a fire, lay in a hammock, have a meal or two together under the canopy of trees, finally read that magazine. I felt so calm. I felt so grateful.

This is exactly what makes me feel my best. This is where I feel connected to our original design. This is where I realize how little we spend in nature unless we carve out the time to do so. This is where I understand clearly how I would like our life to look like.. and that’s what fuels me to get through the work at home, the side hustle and the tasks.

I know, down the road, that’s exactly what will buy us more time out there.

Travel diaries: week one

Travel diaries: week one

